GIGROUP (GIG): Registration of amendments to the Articles of Association - raport 44

Raport bieżący nr 44/2017

Podstawa Prawna: Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieżące i okresowe
The Board of WORK SERVICE S.A. (“The Issuer”, “the Company”) hereby informs that on this day hereof 10 May 2017 learned of the decision of the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna in Wrocław - VI Commercial Division of the National Court Register dated 26 April 2017 (the “Decision”) concerning registration of amendments to the Issuer’s Articles of Association in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register; the amendments were introduced based on the resolutions no. 4/2017, 5/2017 and 6/2017 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Issuer dated 21 March 2017 (the Issuer informed of the content of these resolutions in the current report no. 22/2017).


Pursuant to the Decision, as a result of registration the Art. 10(7), and Art. 13 (10) of the Issuer’s Articles of Association have been amended and Art. 10 (7a) have been added so that:

1) the wording of Art. 10 (7) of the Company’s Articles of Association:

“The resolutions of the General Meeting, referred to in paragraph 1 (a), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k) and (l) shall be adopted on the basis of a qualified majority of 85% of votes passed.”

- has been given the following wording:

“Subject to provision sec. 7a, the resolutions of the General Meeting, referred to in paragraph 1 (a), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k) and (l) shall be adopted on the basis of a qualified majority of 85% of votes passed.”

2) the wording of Art. 13 (10) of the Company’s Articles of Association:

“10. As long as the Investor is a shareholder of the Company, resolutions of the Supervisory Board adopted in § 16 section 2 point a), e), f), h), i), j), k), o), p), q), r) s), t), v), w), x), y), z), aa), bb), cc), dd) and ee) are adopted by a qualified majority of 8/9 of cast votes and the remaining resolutions are adopted by the ordinary majority of cast votes.”

- has been given the following wording:

“10. As long as the Investor is a shareholder of the Company, resolutions of the Supervisory Board adopted in § 16 section 2 point a), e), f), h), i), j), k), l), o), p), q), r) s), t), v), w), x), y), z), aa), bb), cc), dd) and ee) are adopted by a qualified majority of 8/9 of cast votes and the remaining resolutions are adopted by the ordinary majority of cast votes.”

3) the wording of added art. 10 (7a) of the Company’s Articles of Association:

“7a. Qualified majority referred in sec. 7 is not required to:

a) with respect to sec. 1 let. h – adopting a resolution regarding establishing pledge upon the enterprise of the Company and its organised part;

b) with respect to sec. 1 let. k) – issuing ordinary bonds.”

The uniform text of the Company’ Articles of association taking account of the above amendments registered by the Court is attached as an appendix to this current report.

Legal basis:

Art. 38, section 1, item 2) the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and on conditions under which information required by legal regulations of a third country may be recognised as equivalent.

DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2017-05-10Piotr GajekVice-President of the Management Board
2017-05-10Tomasz Ślęzak Vice-President of the Management Board

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