Artykuły (401)

  • Petition for initiation of bankruptcy proceeding

    • Sobota, 8 grudnia 2012 (11:45)
    Raport bieżący nr 148/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. hereby informs its reputable investors that the management of the Company has submitted a petition for initiation of...
    has, ITS, Emitent
  • Repurchase of the corporate bonds

    • Sobota, 8 grudnia 2012 (11:42)
    Raport bieżący nr 147/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. informs its reputable investors that the Company has purchased due bond receivables today as set out in the annex...
  • Termination of loan agreements

    • Sobota, 8 grudnia 2012 (11:27)
    Raport bieżący nr 146/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. hereby informs its reputable investors that according to the information received from Raiffeisen Bank Zrt....
    ITS, Emitent
  • Repurchase of the corporate bonds

    • Sobota, 8 grudnia 2012 (11:25)
    Raport bieżący nr 145/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. informs its reputable investors that the Company has purchased due bond receivables today as set out in the annex...
  • Repurchase of the corporate bonds

    • Sobota, 8 grudnia 2012 (11:22)
    Raport bieżący nr 144/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. informs its reputable investors that the Company has purchased due bond receivables today as set out in the annex....
  • Repurchased of the corporate bonds

    • Sobota, 8 grudnia 2012 (11:20)
    Raport bieżący nr 143/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. informs its reputable investors that the Company has purchased due bond receivables today as set out in the annex....
  • Repurchase of the corporate bonds

    • Sobota, 8 grudnia 2012 (11:15)
    Raport bieżący nr 141/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. informs its reputable investors that E-Star ESCO Kft. has purchased bonds today as set out in the annex. Załączniki:...
  • Bonds

    • Sobota, 8 grudnia 2012 (11:12)
    Raport bieżący nr 140/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. hereby informs its reputable investors that pursuant to the decision of E-Star ESCO Kft., E-Star ESCO plans to hold...
    ITS, Emitent
  • EURO-FINANCE has optimazed its activities

    • Środa, 5 grudnia 2012 (17:10)
    Raport bieżący nr 27/2012Podstawa prawna: Inne uregulowania EURO-FINANCE has optimazed its activities Załączniki: Plik;OpisMilena Stoyanova - IR Director
    has, ITS, Emitent
  • Number of voting rights

    • Niedziela, 2 grudnia 2012 (17:02)
    Raport bieżący nr 131/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc., hereby publishes the number of voting rights attached to its shares and size the of its share capital. Details in the...
    ITS, Emitent
  • Bonds

    • Niedziela, 2 grudnia 2012 (17:02)
    Raport bieżący nr 129/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. informs its reputable investors that E-Star ESCO Kft. purchased bonds as set out in the annex. Załączniki:...
    ITS, Emitent
  • Bonds

    • Niedziela, 2 grudnia 2012 (17:02)
    Raport bieżący nr 128/2012Podstawa prawna: E-Star Alternative Plc. informs its reputable investors that E-Star ESCO Kft. purchased bonds as set out in the annex. Załączniki:...
    ITS, Emitent